Hauwa Ojeifo - A Warrior for Mental Health

Once Hauwa Ojeifo decided to share her personal journey with mental health issues and sexual violence, there was no going back regardless of the stigma society associated with the topic.

She realised she wasn’t alone in the emotional turmoil she had experienced for so long and decided to create a safe space where others could receive the same support she did from sharing her story. This is how She Writes Woman was born.

In February of 2020, she became the first person with a mental health condition to testify in that capacity before the Nigerian National Assembly on the rights of persons with mental health conditions and psychosocial disabilities under the tenets of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of Persons with Disabilities. Her testimony ensured that the bill affecting about 40 to 60 million Nigerians was stepped down for reconsideration.


Mental Health Activist, Nigeria’s Hauwa Ojeifo to address the United Nations